Notary Public

About us

Our attorney Nicolaus Rubensson are appointed by the County Administrative Board of Stockholm to act in the capacity of Notary Public in Stockholm.

What are the duties carried out by a Notary Public?

A Notary Public has been assigned to assist the public with, among other things, supervise and verify the authenticity regarding certain information. A common task is to verify that a particular signature is correct. A Notary Public has been appointed to provide supervisory assistance in certain matters such as power of attorneys, certifications, and with other categories of documents. 

A Notary Public charges a fee for his or her services. 

Contact us if you require the assistance of a Notary Public!

Who appoints a Notary Public?

The County Administrative Board of Stockholm appoints a Notary Public working in Stockholm. A Notary supports the public with, among other things, the following services:

  • The verification of signatures, transcripts, translations, and other information regarding the contents of a document. 
  • The presence as a witness when depositories and either opened or sealed.
  • To monitor lottery drawings and raffle or discard bonds, stocks, or other securities. 
  • To record declarations regarding legal or financial relevance and thereafter further those to a third party. 
  • To verify that a government agency or person is authorized to carry out certain tasks or that a certain individual holds a particular authority or competence. A Notary Public can also validate that someone is authorized to represent someone else.   
  • To issue an Apostille, an authorized seal placed on a document that verifies that the signature on the document is real.


Upon legalizing signatures, where a signature is to be witnessed, the document must be signed while present at our office. If you are preparing to sign a document, you must therefore visit our office and bring a valid ID.


When legalizing a photocopy, where the copy is to be verified, the original photo must be brought to our office. We will thereafter make a copy of the original document and legalize it.

Documents regarding adoption

If you have documents relating to adoption that you need to have legalized, you can leave them at our office. It will take somewhere between one and three business days for us to handle your matter. Please make sure to bring any instructions you’ve received from the adoption agency with you to our meeting.

Company signatories

When a company signatory signature is to be legalized you must bring an excerpt from The Swedish Companies Registration Office where it is mentioned who has the authority of a company signatory. For an additional fee we can assist you with access to such an excerpt and print it for you at our office.

Power of attorneys, Life Certificates, and Affidavits

In some cases of power of attorneys, such as affidavits, there’s information regarding the principal of the power of attorney. Such information is to be verified by a Notary Public. In order for us to verify the information stated in the power of attorney please make sure to bring a certification, which can be a passport or an excerpt from The Swedish Tax Agency.

Who can act in the capacity of a Notary Public?

Usually, a Notary Public is an attorney who is a member of The Swedish Bar Association. Rules governing this office can be found in either the Law about Notary Public (1981:1363) or the Decree about Notary Public (1982:327).

What does it cost to hire a Notary Public?

Our fees are as follows:

  • Apostille: 400 kr (an additional cost for legalization will be added for documents that are not issued, signed, and stamped by a government agency). 
  • Verification of a photocopy when the original is presented: 300 kr
  • Legalization of a company signatory: one name 400 kr, two names 500 kr. 
  • Legalization of a private individual’s signature: 400 kr.
  • Other prices upon agreement. 


Under en brottmålsprocess är det viktigt att du får hjälp av en jurist som kan tillvarata dina rättigheter på bästa sätt.


Vi har långvarig erfarenhet av att ge stöd till våra klienter i vårdnadstvister och adekvat juridisk rådgivning avseende vårdnad, boende och umgänge.

ekonomisk familjerätt

Advokatlaget biträder klienter i ärenden om upprättande av exempelvis samboavtal, äktenskapsförord och testamenten.

migrations- och asylrätt

Advokatlaget biträder klienter i asyl- och försvarsärenden.


Advokatlaget åtar sig uppdrag avseende LVU, LPT, LVM och LRV.


Med affärsjuridik avses den juridik som handlar om bildandet och drivandet av företag.


Vi har erfarenhet av affärsjuridik, konkursutredning och ekonomisk utredning och kan biträda dig som är misstänkt för ekobrott.

har du en fråga som rör ett annat ämne?

Hur kan vi hjälpa dig?

Ring eller maila, vi svarar direkt.
Ditt första samtal med oss är alltid kostnadsfritt.
Vi debiterar dig först när vi har åtagit oss ett uppdrag att biträda dig.


Advokatlaget AB
Box 454 32
104 31 Stockholm

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Kammakargatan 66
111 24 Stockholm

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753 23 Uppsala

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Järnagatan 16,
151 73 Södertälje

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Nordfeldts Väg 9
645 51 Strängnäs

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Västra Kvarngatan 62
611 32 Nyköping

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